Our Support and Services

The Compassionate Friends Queensland was formed by bereaved parents who recognised that their feelings of confusion and isolation were common to all parents who have lost a child, and felt a need to talk to someone who had been through a similar experience to their own.

The Compassionate Friends aims to provide immediate and ongoing support to parents and families who have experienced the death of a child. Our members, all of whom are bereaved parents, grandparents or siblings, offer the time to listen, understand and share their grief, experiences and feelings in a safe place, and offer HOPE for the future. Our members have “all been there, done that”. We also have the support of many professional people involved in this area of loss and grief. We will understand and walk the long road with you.

There is no time limit to someone’s grief, just as is there are no right or wrong ways to deal with your loss. We offer a range of support services since everyone deals with grief in their own way. What you want and need can change.

Our Main Office

Our office is open Wednesday to Friday between the hours 9.00am and 3.00pm. Members are encouraged to drop in for support and a coffee, or to access our extensive range of loss and grief related literature, newsletters and books.

Support Group Meetings

Our Support Group Meetings offer the opportunity for parents/families to talk, share, connect and relate with others who have experienced the loss of a child. Meetings take the form of informal discussions with the occasional guest speaker. Everyone there will be just like you. The atmosphere is warm and accepting. No one is pressured into participating. You only join in when you are ready to share.

Many come and listen for the first few meetings and find comfort in knowing others are experiencing similar problems and feelings from the loss of their child or sibling, and learn how others are surviving and coping. Meetings are open to all parents, adult siblings and grandparents. Come and join with others who understand what you are experiencing…simply because they have been there.

Coffee Mornings

Coffee Mornings are held on the third Thursday of every month at the TCFQ office for bereaved families and friends to drop in for a chat and coffee in a more informal setting.

Telephone Support

Phone contact can be made with The Compassionate Friends at any time. We understand there are times when you need to talk with another bereaved parent who will listen and share. Our grief support telephone line is answered by fellow bereaved parents who have received training in grief and loss and listening skills. They offer a caring ear and are passionate about supporting bereaved families. If we are unable to take your call, we encourage you to leave a message so we can return your call.

Please feel welcome to call us on our Support line on 1300 064 068 (you will be connected to a Queensland support person).

Online Support

We can also offer online support using Zoom Meetings video conferencing with online chat. You can get in touch with us in the TCFQ office to arrange this. More information on how to join our online support meetings is available here.

Email Support

Some parents may find that they are unable to talk about their experience, but still wish for some communication. Email support can be a safe avenue for seeking support. Email support is available through admin@tcfqld.org.au

Grief and Loss Seminars and Workshops

We regularly hold workshops and seminars on Grief and Loss with guest speakers who are either professionals or themselves bereaved. These information sessions and workshops are designed to assist bereaved parents and families with grief and loss. More information on any upcoming events can be found on our Grief Workshop Calendar.

Annual Candlelight Remembrance Service

Our Candlelight Remembrance Service, a world-wide event held every year in December, is an occasion for bereaved parents and families across the globe to gather and celebrate the life of their child.


Membership of The Compassionate Friends is open to parents and families and friends who have experienced the death of a child.  Membership is also open to professionals with an interest in this area. See our Membership page for further information.

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