Our Mission and Values

Our Mission

Our Mission:

To support parents, siblings and grandparents after the death of a child or children of any age and from any cause, from the lived experience of the death of our own children.

Our Vision:

Everyone who needs us will find us and everyone who finds us will be helped.

Our Values

The interests of bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents is at the heart of what we do. In addition to the TCF principles, the values we hold necessary for our mission and vision are :


To be honest, open and sincere in all we say and do.


 To always do the things that are right


To respect all individuals and value their contribution.


To allow all to grieve in their own way, and accept that each person may hold their own beliefs and values that may not align with our own.

Our Objectives

(1) Through our lived experience, to offer friendship, hope and understanding to parents, siblings, grandparents and other family members to support them through the grief and trauma which follows the death of a child from any cause and at any age.
(2) Maintain and develop mutual support services and activities for members and the bereaved community.
(3) Promote community awareness and understanding throughout Queensland of the special need of parents and siblings after the death of a child and advise how professionals and support staff (including medical, paramedical, police, clergy, teachers, government services and other bereavement and trauma service organisations) and employers can meet those needs.
(4) Promote the ideals of the world wide Compassionate Friends movement by supporting TCF (Australia), the other state associations and the international movement