TCFQ Information Brochures & Resource Packs

A series of brochures available from The Compassionate Friends have been written covering many aspects of the grief process experienced by the family and those who care about them. All brochures have been written by bereaved parents, siblings, and/or grandparents and have gone through a review process, often in conjunction with professionals in the field.
All our brochures are available in print or soft copy, free on request to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. A resource pack of information and brochures is also available on request. Our brochures and resource packs may be downloaded from this website as well.
Please contact the Centre by phone or email. Our brochures and resource packs may be downloaded from this website as well. (see below)
Our brochures and pamphlets available include:
- United Journey
- When a baby dies
- A sibling talks about suicide
- When our grandchild dies
- Our surviving children
- Surviving the suicide of a loved one
- The Grief of Fathers
- Coping with judgemental attitudes
- Coping with Christmas and End of Year Celebrations
- The seven principles of the compassionate friends
- plus many more…
Some of these brochures plus additional ones are available online from other TCF Chapters:
TCF Victoria also have a new brochure available for employers How To Be A Compassionate Employer.
TCF Online Videos
There are many videos online to assist with the grieving process provided by TCF Chapters world wide.
TCF Queensland YouTube Channel
The TCF Queensland YouTube Channel provides the following videos of members sharing their experiences of grief and loss.
- Karen Kirkpatrick’s Story
- Roger and Helen Grehan’s Story
- Past TCF Qld President Lorraine Edgley’s Story
We would like to thank Aaron Shambrook for his assistance in the production of these videos.

TCF USA YouTube Channel
The Compassionate Friends USA YouTube channel provides an extensive library of online videos and webinars to assist parents and families grieving the loss of a child.
- When a Child Dies…
TCF UK YouTube
- Say Their Name…
TCF Victoria Videos
The Compassionate Friends, Victoria also provide an online series of videos of bereaved parents and siblings sharing their experiences.
TCF Online Radio Show
The Open To Hope Show is a weekly 1 hour web-radio show at featuring Dr Gloria Horsley, TCF’s Professional Advisor (a bereaved parent), and Dr Heidi Horsley (a bereaved sibling), which covers the subject of grief for families after the death of a child.
Shows cover such topics as: A Child Dies–What to Expect and How Long Does it Take?; Grief in the Workplace; Where Does Sadness End and Depression Begin After the Death of a Child?; Faith, Brokenness, and Healing After the Death of a Child; and integrate listener calls and questions.
All shows are broadcast live on the web on Thursdays USA time with an archive of past shows available to listen to.