More Office Happenings 2011

More Office Happenings 2011

Meeting Room Refurbishment
Funds were received after the January floods to help renovate and refurbish the meeting room at the drop in centre in New Farm, Brisbane.

For those of you who have attended meetings here we’re sure you will agree this is a much needed improvement and we look forward to welcoming you to our ‘new look’ room.

Melbourne Cup Day
Joy, our Queensland Co-ordinator and Karen, office assistant and newsletter editor, from the TCF office in Brisbane enjoyed a Melbourne Cup lunch with staff who work in other offices in the same building.

Jam stall fundraiser
Vera, President, and volunteer Lyn, held a jam stall recently at New Farm to raise funds for TCF which was a great success.

Well done to both ladies for all their hard work on the day and beforehand, making jam.

(Click photos below for larger version)