Living With Our Loss
Saturday 15th June 2013
Grace College, University of Queensland Walcott Street, St Lucia, Brisbane.
This is a free seminar with lunch and morning tea provided.
9:00-9:15am Registration
9:15-9:30am Welcome and Housekeeping—Vera Caltabiano, President TCF Qld.
9:30-1:00am Guest Speaker Doris Zagdanski —Doris is a bereaved parent and has worked in the Funeral industry for over 25 years and is currently employed as General Manager for Qld Funerals for Invocare Ltd. She wrote her first book on teenagers and grief in 1990 and has since created an identity as a well known author, educator and trainer in the field of grief awareness. With 7 books now published in her name, she is sought after as a keynote speaker and regular educator for health professionals, schools, churches and community organisations. During her presentation Doris will provide some insight into how we can manage difficult issues that arise in our grief and provide some strategies that in time will help us learn to live with the loss of our child/children.
11:00-11:30am Morning Tea
11:30-1:00pm Workshops-
1:00-2:00pm Lunch
2:00-2.00pm Closing Ceremony
For catering purposes please register by May 31st by contacting the Drop In Centre.